i am thankful for the life i have
when i was younger i just always thought i would land on my feet and life would not be hard - ignorance can be bliss
i can tell you that i found my way after my schooling in my mid twenties - i am thankful it did not take longer than that as that can be a struggle for many
i always thought i would make money i was never worried because i knew that i would not let myself down - i remember thinking six figure salaries were impressive
the major component i can attest to my success is diligent, honest, work - obviously one would need to find a stream of income to capitalize on this but that is another story
money aside i am thankful for friends and family
money is a man made thing that governs us all somehow
i work hard to have money to do things with my loved ones
that is all i care about and i think that is what drives my success
to anyone reading this, find something you are good at and work hard, stay true, and honest to your colleagues, friends, and family
everything else is secondary