surf more

love ya bitch

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

welcome son

Axl enters the chat

Love love love love love


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

trying to be ahead of it

 look around the corner

trying to be ahead of it

ahead of what


love my family <3

I do it for you

I do it for me

I do it for us

we create us


you and I 


Thursday, September 2, 2021



got a great night sleep last night 💤

eating well 🍎

family 👪 is love

exercising 🏄

#thankful 📿

Monday, August 16, 2021


There's things

There's things that we are blessed 🙌 with

There's things we have to do 😑

There's things we are blessed 🙌 with

There's things

Friday, December 4, 2020

Ruby arrived safe and sound :)

Happy birthday my love!

Ruby arrived safe and sound and mom is doing well.

7 lbs 15 oz - 19"

What a wild ride!

Love you Sheila and Ruby!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

sometimes you're the windshield and sometimes you're the bug

i have been feeling indifferent towards things that i do not enjoy but have to because i am an adult 

i have a joy in my life and that is all that matters at this point

not things that i do not enjoy

those things, they do not matter

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

I fell down a muskrat hole.

Today I went fishing while my wife spent some time with her friend.

I went to a local waterining hole and chose to go to a spot that I heard has largemouth bass.

I have caught largemouth bass throughout my life, and even at this lake, but not at this specific spot.

This was my 2nd attempt at this exact location.

I had some hits whilst jigging a worm.

I threw alongside the coast.

I flipped under some low hanging brush and trees.

A nibble.

I thought to move and carefully walked along the waters edge in my beat up Adidas flip flops.

I stepped onto what I assumed was grass but in actuality, was a big hole covered with grass.

I fell into a muskrat hole.

I fell down to my knee, that is how deep this hole was.

Time slowed down and I had imagined Alice in wonderland falling down the rabbit hole.

My landing was not as nice as hers.

I felt as if I was trying to avoid something in that hole but I did not know what it was.

My big toe led in a dark, then water filled hole.

My big toe landed right in the top of the mouth piece of an aluminum can.

200 lbs pressure into the top of that can.

I sat on my ass and lifted my leg out not knowing what I would see.

I saw my top half of my big toe (above the nail) chunkily hanging and starting to bleed a lot.

I rode my bike home with a blood filled Adidas flip flop.

I got home and cleaned it and it was not as bad as I had thought but still pretty bad.

I thought I could have entirely lost a toe when I was coming out of that muskrat hole.

The pinky for sure would have gotten it.

From peaceful to serious in seconds.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

my first psychotic break

yesterday i had my first psychotic break and boy was that fun!

well, it may have been just my first panic attack but it was eventful to say the least

my heart goes out to folks who go through more serious things than i went through!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today is a blog kind of day

hello hello is this thing on!?

ahem, yes, my name is Thomas and I am here to say, hello.


Hope you are having a nice day!

Did you learn anything new today?

I task myself with 30 minutes each day to learn something new.

Have a good one!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

tuesday in October

the late 30s crisis continues 

the push and pull of comfort and money vs ?

I feel that

the thing is, it works, I know how to, and can provide 

"One last question, are you happy?" - no

but what would ?

Anyways, smell ya later and keep your head up!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tuesday in July

Finally got some rain to break the heat wave.

Not that I cared, but boy it was hot ~100°

Hope everyone's having a good Tuesday :)

Monday, April 1, 2019

Oh...... it's not jay hento

What are you really slingin?

"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?"

"I played this stinkin city like a harp from hell."

Another day we wake up and sleep


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Losing a friend

I lost a friend yesterday.  He did not wake up.

Life is just memories and we should try to create as many as we can with our friends and loved ones.

RIP MK, I have a guy on the inside now.

Be honest and a good person to one another.

If you know someone struggling shoot them a text or call, could make a difference.


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Monday, May 21, 2018


Monday gets a bad rap

I mean work yes we get it but it's still a great day!

It's a great day to be alive

Happy Monday

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Is Mikhail avail?

Goes beyond this.

Is Mikhail there?

"He expired, passed away couple weeks ago. We are just clearing his stuff"

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Do you know the way to San Jose?

Location.  Location.  Location.



Friday, March 23, 2018


Well another work week wrapping up.

All is good now. Everyone is healthy.

That is all I want in this world (and beyond)

Spring is here and it just snowed.

Do something you enjoy today.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

i always thought i would land on my feet

i am thankful for the life i have

when i was younger i just always thought i would land on my feet and life would not be hard - ignorance can be bliss

i can tell you that i found my way after my schooling in my mid twenties - i am thankful it did not take longer than that as that can be a struggle for many

i always thought i would make money i was never worried because i knew that i would not let myself down - i remember thinking six figure salaries were impressive

the major component i can attest to my success is diligent, honest, work - obviously one would need to find a stream of income to capitalize on this but that is another story

money aside i am thankful for friends and family

money is a man made thing that governs us all somehow

i work hard to have money to do things with my loved ones

that is all i care about and i think that is what drives my success

to anyone reading this, find something you are good at and work hard, stay true, and honest to your colleagues, friends, and family

everything else is secondary

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Oh and I forgot to tell you.

We got a new dog, Skip!

Pic below - such a good boy

Thursday January 4th 9:30 AM

I am working from home currently because there is a state of emergency for Monmouth / Ocean County.  We are expecting 10+ inches of snow with gail force winds.

I had a good 2017.  I am thankful for everything that took place.

I am looking forward to 2018 with my wife and dog by my side.  I have some goals that I would really like to hit but I know that some may be unattainable and I am ok with that.  I find myself goal setting to stream line my focus. Some I hit. Some I dont.

Anyways.  I have been offline and neglectful to this page. I will make an effort to update more regularly.

Happy New Year - peace love happiness! #jhento