U forgot
Did u expect less?
Sitting in a car wash and I'm thinking I spent ten bucks to wash my car.
Ten bucks in other areas of the world is food for four for two days.
You look disappointed. You must be clairvoyant.
Breathe in through your nose out your mouth. Eyes closed. Listen to your breathing.
Get lost. Identify your other senses. Smell, nostalgic thoughts.
Remember that, how simple it was. Take that, its simple now too.
In through your nose out your mouth. Listen.
I'm in bagel bazaar and there is weird foreign music playing. The place is packed.
Not a hot bicth in sight
Couldn't even understand the motherfucker
Sometimes you have to push yourself out of the comfort zone, be scared, uncomfortable.
This is what makes your blood boil, your palms sweat; this is when you feel ALIVE.
My buddy says, "hey my parents r moving to Florida you wanna buy my old video games?"
$ure. I go there in the boxes: Sega genesis, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, N64, gameboy, gameboy color, all the games, cases, wires, controllers, EVERYTHING.
$50.00 haha sweeeet
Old friend, "how's everything going?"
Good ya know, signing a new lease friday, getting married in April, working, havin sex, just doin it.
Old friend, "wow that sounds pretty boss. Let's grab wings and a beer Sunday.
Unbelievable that this fucking rollercoasteris still in the dam ocean
Is this a reflection of the lack of aid for people affected by #sandy?
idk I'm not a smart man but this is just ridiculous that thing is still there
Breathe, be uncomfortable.
Leave ur.zone.
Welcome sacred scared next feelings.
Sentence. Period. Mortal kombat.